Welcome to Between Fairy Dust & a Frying Pan: conversations, curiosities, and peculiarities about being human. This blog space offers interactive portholes for your own curiosity to unfold. Read, click, dive deeper, respond, reply, get confused, find conclusions and join us somewhere in between the lovey dovey glitzy woo woo fairy dust and the hard knocks heavy iron straight to the head frying pan glitz and the glutz of what it is to be alive!

My personal Calming Tea Blend
Tea Recipes Dani Galvez Tea Recipes Dani Galvez

My personal Calming Tea Blend

These herbs are all very famous for their calming, anti inflammatory, nervous system booster qualities. I chose these herbs because if you like loose leaf tea, your cupboard probably has these ingredients already. Written by Lucca Lirio.

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